Application Questions

  1. Can you measure the effect of variable operating technique?
  2. Can you estimate the cost of variable risk tolerance?
  3. Do your personnel know where the benefits are hidden?

Request our white papers on Audits.

  1. Are your process inputs or outputs priced in an active marketplace?
  2. Do your utility contracts contain penalty or bonus clauses?
  3. Does your utility provide incentives for renewable energy production or peak shaving?
  4. Does process variability prevent you from maximizing the utility of your assets?
  5. Are you able to store energy through thermal, chemical, or pneumatic means?
  6. Are you able to shut down non-critical operations for short periods?
  7. Can you generate energy internally?
  8. Do you practice financial hedging as a means to control risk?

Request our white papers on Real-Time Market Response Control.

  1. Do you operate multiple boilers, chillers, air compressors etc.
  2. Do you use different fuels?
  3. Does your steam system contain more than one pressure level?
  4. Do your operators manually allocate process demands to process equipment?
  5. Do you frequently exceed prudent process limitations?
  6. Do you co-generate?
  7. Does your process experience transitions and discontinuities when changing rates?
  8. Do you dispatch multiple facilities to meet aggregate demand?

Request our white papers on Economic Process Allocation.

  1. Do you depend on operators to take advantage of transient opportunities?
  2. Does your process supply more than one consumer?
  3. Do your operators apply their personal risk tolerance in deciding how to operate?

Request our white papers on Opportunistic Optimization Control Solutions.

  1. Is your process difficult to control due to dead time or long time constants?
  2. Does much of your operation depend on operators to manage the various inputs?
  3. Does the skill level of your operators vary?
  4. Does risk tolerance vary for different process operators?

Request our white papers on Variability Management Solutions.

  1. Must your process coordinate with other operating units?
  2. Is there an overall operating strategy in place?
  3. Are there global optimization opportunities though coordination of multiple units?

Request our white papers on Coordinated Operations Solutions.

  1. Do your boilers burn multiple fuels simultaneously?
  2. Are your boilers fully managed by production rate controllers?
  3. Do you suffer from high maintenance and replacement costs due to poor combustion conditions?
  4. Do your boiler support systems (feedwater, fans, fuel handling, drum level control) adversely affect your boiler operation?

Request our white papers on Combustion Control Solutions.
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